Family Medicine Clinic in North York

At Health and Wellness Clinic North York, we provide personalized health services and treatments. Our team of health professionals provide quality care to help you reach your wellness goals.


Family Medicine

As Family doctors, we provide comprehensive medical care to patients of all ages, from newborns to seniors.
Pediatric Care

Pediatric Care

Our family doctors provide comprehensive primary care for babies, children, adolescents. 

Personalized Medicine

Also known as precision medicine, is a new frontier for healthcare combining genomics, big data analytics, and population health.
Weight loss program

Personalized Weight loss

Every person is unique, and at Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic, we create a customized weight loss program for each one of our patients
Musculoskeletal Health

Musculoskeletal Health

From serious athletes to weekend warriors, from young adults who need to learn about musculoskeletal health to our senior citizens

Diet and Nutrition

We specialize in providing medical nutrition therapy to adults and children, especially diabetes education.
Ultrasound guided joint injections

Ultrasound Guided Joint Injections

Utilizing the latest in medical advancements is key to providing the best care for our patients.
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Health Coaching

As Harvard Health describes Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel at a sport

Medical Services For Visitors

Traveling to Toronto comes with lots of unknowns
Family Medicine Clinic

About The Meditism
Health & Wellness Clinic

At Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic, we believe physical healing is inseparable from the mental, emotional and spiritual healing of an individual; hence the name “MEDITISM, which combines the word medicine and meditation.

Traditionally, conventional modern medicine, aka allopathic medicine, attempts to treat the physical self. Certainly, many of today’s common diseases do require the assistance of modern medicine. As such, allopathic medicine does an excellent job in treating acute illnesses, and managing symptoms. But how about Chronic diseases? What if you don’t want to take medications for the rest of your life? How about healing? Unfortunately, traditional medicine is not enough!

At Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic, we believe in the holistic approach. We believe a person is not just body parts and organs. We think about the whole person and every aspect that makes a person a human, physical, emotional, spiritual, family, psychological, and yes, body parts and organs! We account for all factors that affect one’s health & wellness; hence the term “Holistic”. This, requires us to take a step further and go above and beyond treating one’s symptoms. We strive to the find root causes of diseases and dysfunctions, and heal our patients to the best of our ability.

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    Hullmark Centre @ Yonge & Sheppard

    4773 Yonge St. Suite 3C, North York, ON

    Meditism Health & Wellness Clinic. All Rights Reserved.

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